Saturday, March 27, 2010

Holy Week

Spring is such a welcome time of year. We love the warmer air, the gradual greening of our grass, and the first shoots of tulips and daffodils that promise color and beauty in our yard once again.
It seems that the sacred events that took place in the early spring so many years ago and so far away too easily escape my attention.
Tomorrow is Palm Sunday, the anniversary of the Savior's 'triumphal entry' into Jerusalem, marking the beginning of the last week of his mortal life.
The events of that week are recorded in the Holy Bible, at least some of them are. There must have been other things that happened that we have no record of, but we do know that he taught powerfully through parables we have come to know and love. He told his disciples about his eventual coming in glory, and the events that would proceed it. He defended the sanctity of his Father's house-the temple-as he cleared out the moneychangers and those who sold animals for sacrifice in that sacred place. He spent time in Bethany with those he loved. He celebrated the Passover with his apostles and prayed mightily in the Garden on the Mt of Olives. He was betrayed, tried, and convicted. He was cruelly beaten and crucified. He suffered for us in the Garden of Gethsemane and on the cross on Calvary that we 'might not suffer if we will repent'.
He was laid in the tomb of a friend, and he rose again on a beautiful spring morning.
He then spent 40 days teaching his beloved apostles, preparing them further for the great work he had for them to do.
How truly blessed we are to have knowledge of the life of our Savior, to know of his amazing and saving love and mercy. I once heard someone on a Sunday morning radio program say this ~
Mercy is not getting what we deserve,
Grace is getting what we don't deserve.
I am so grateful for the Savior Jesus Christ, for the part he continually offers to play in my life, for his constant invitation - 'Come unto me'. I am grateful for covenants I have been privileged to make to follow him, to serve him, to do as he would do in my place. I am grateful and amazed at the experiences I have been blessed with, when I have felt the love, peace, and assurance that only he can bring.
I share with you my witness that he lives. He is aware of each of us, he knows our joys and our sorrows; he knows our hearts and can change us to be the version of us he intends us to be. He will be intimately involved in our personal lives as we turn to him and welcome him in.
I love him ~ he is my Savior, my Redeemer, my Rescuer, my Joy. He makes everything in my life better.

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